Tuesday, August 24, 2010
थे गोल्डेन CALF
THE GOLDEN CALF is a misunderstood symbol found in the OLD TESTAMENT of the CHRISTIAN BIBLE which is essentially different from that of HEBREW OR 'JEWISH' SCRIPTURES in many ways too numerous to detail here now...... The question about this IMAGE, which in some descriptions, was 'gold-lated' rather than 'solid' gold has not been asked too much and also the topic has been ignored in certain ways......Why an image of BULL for many scholars consider it to have been that? The simple answer is that the BULL is a symbol of POWER as well as several other things, such as, fertility or reproduction, or animal instincts,etc. and also that the BULL, the SIGN OF TAURUS, was a common 'idol' or 'beast' in the area, worshiped and looked at my various cultures and tribes and 'nations' of the time..... MOSES, the lawgiver as he is often called, did not create the MOSAIC LAW if the acount is true that GOD gave Moses the COMMANDMENTS, usually grouped as ten and there are several variations and differing lists to be found that need not be taken up here...... Why should the Hebrews, the Israelites, the Jews, the TWELVE TRIBES OF ISRAEL, abandon, seemingly, the GOD that had helped them and guided them out of EGYPT to seek the PROMISED LAND and take up with what has been considered a 'PAGAN IDOL"? This intriguing problem has several answers and one of them is that this statue was meant to be representative of THE POWER OF YAWEH OR JEHOVAH and possibly to serve as HIS THRONE IN THE MANNER THAT THE CHERUBIM DID ON THE ARK OF THE COVENANT... Another reference to this topic is that of the 'GOLDEN CALVES' that King Jeroboam had fashioned when he set up the KINGDOM OF ISRAEL and his apparent desire was to make the holy places of Dan and Bethel worthier shrines of Yahweh than that of the TEMPLE OF JERUSALEM.....which may have backfired... The CANAANITES who still were inhabitants of Palestine at the time, used the BULL as a symbol of BAAL the 'fertility' god they worshipped and which may have seemed to the prophets that JEHOVAH was being relegated to the same level in their worship as Baal.
Thursday, June 17, 2010
When I first began to look at the Bible and try to read and perhaps understand it, I quickly decided at that early childhood age, of around 8-9-10-11, that the two most important books were, from my limited viewpoint at the time, GENESIS & THE APOCALYPSE or REVELATIONS, and I used to amuse, startle, and probably aggravate-irritate, my school classmates with my expositions and comments on the BOOK OF REVELATIONS, especially the various predictions as I understood them at the time. I became interested in the Bible through some Bible stories, a book that my cousin Becky either read to me or allowed me to read that she had when we lived on the Farm in Cornish. The other influence on this Bible interest came from my Welch Uncle by marriage to my Aunt, Becky's mother, because he left his Masonic Bible around and urged me to read it, and somewhat obliquely made comments on its importance and high regard that Masons had for it, and also I might add he was a Shriner and had gone through nearly all, if not all, the degrees,etc. and always wanted me to joing De Molay and eventually the Masons, which I never did and which I somewhat resisted for various reasons. I have since read a lot about them,etc. and have had friends who were involved in the Masonic activities,etc. but I did not feel drawn to the charitable works and other things of a social nature,etc. that they emphasized.........then I also became aware of the various claims about Masonic groups, the position of the time by Catholicism and the hostilities that existed, not that I really sided with either position, and other extravagant claims such as Masons murder, kill, kidnap, conspire, etc. that are still with us.....and which I shall some late time perhaps examine....... There was nothing 'secret' or 'mysterious' about my Uncle's Bible which had the Masonic Emblem on its front cover.....or at least nothing that revealed the Masonic Secrets....other than what the Bible stated which is/was, as far as I know, the King James Version, which I still prefer over other versions for my own personal reasons that can be discussed another time..... My reading of the first books of the Bible, attributed to Moses, of course, though most scholars doubt he actually wrote any of them,led me to adopt or consider some of the early prohibitions of the Laws expounded, like not eating pork, butter, touching the dead and cutting one's hair as I sort of wanted to emulate the Nazarites, a special sect that needs more study by most than is usually done......I also became more interested in the New Testament in certain respects, and used to think of going around the country-side, walking,carrying a staff, preaching and so forth in the manner of prophets and disciples,etc. all the while riding in the car while my grandparents or others drove, and I kept this notion in my head through High School in varied forms....and, of course, my minister wanted me to become a minister as I was at the time a member of the Methodist Church in Claremont and had also attended Sunday School and Church at Cornish Center when I lived on the Farm. I have since kept somewhat distant from any church activities except for some which I may discuss another time..... I can say that I have studied Catholic Doctrines by Correspondence and with certain priests/missionaries at times, and so forth but then I have done such conversations and discussions with Jehovah Witnesses, Iglesia Ni Cristo (s),Seventh Day Adventists, Mormons,Christian Scientists, and other religious groups and sects and religions,including Bahai,Buddhist(s) of various sects,etc. and a lot more too numerous to mention here in full..... My personal religious 'experiences' are just that, of course, and of little interest to others except that they look to mine as some sort of confirmation of their beliefs, ideas, feelings, and positions on life which I do not encourage them to accept or adopt or the like......but to keep their own....unless....they want a life of peril and uncertainty and ambiguity and other things........and I also step on their toes when they proffer their personal and organized beliefes as being 'truth' and 'the only truth' and place claims on the Bible that are exaggerated and in the long run, unsupported in various ways and which are usually open to a long list of variations and differences when examined in the light of history and other things....and not necessarity from that of science or philosophy...... The Bible can be studied on several levels and the first level done by most persons who attempt to read it is:THE LITERAL LEVEL and this means word- for- word under the guidance of some religious doctrine, tenet, creed, code, belief, or position and not from a mere 'literary'interest which is also perhaps THE SECOND LEVEL where one can appreciate the poetry, history, proverbs, etc. and the biographies or their descriptions of the figures mentioned there, plus other topics and divisions.....like psalms or songs......
Friday, March 26, 2010
Ths ancient Hebrew Bible has many things that are lost in modern translations and interpretations and I hope to discuss such in future topics. For instance, most Bible readers these days always view and consider God as masculine in nature and so follow a patriarchical format and hierarchy. The FEMININE PRINCIPLE is usually ignored except in the cult of saints and worship of MARY as the Mother of God.
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
The first question I have already asked: WHAT DO YOU REALLY BELIEVE ABOUT THE BIBLE? The second question is: WHAT DO YOU REALLY BELIEVE ABOUT GOD? The third question is: WHAT DO YOU REALLY BELIEVE ABOUT JESUS? These three questions are both relevant and important for those who wish to understand, know, and study the BIBLE because the basis of the BIBLE beliefs that people have may well be faulty, erroneous, contradictory, unprovable, and not as simple or exact as such may seem and very problematic for those who really read the BIBLE! NOW, another group of questions must be asked: WHAT DO YOU REALLY KNOW ABOUT THE BIBLE? WHAT DO YOU REALLY KNOW ABOUT GOD? WHAT DO YOU REALLY KNOW ABOUT JESUS? Here we come to the CRUX of the problem or what I have been trying to say and indicate to you! Are what you know and what you belive the same thing? How do you know this and,if so, why do you believe this? If you are honest you will realize that feelings and thoughts are not the same and people often mix the two and creat a vast confusion for themselves and for others.
This question few people can honestly answer based on real religious experience(s) and actual study of the BIBLE as found on bookshelves, in bookstores, in churches, or homes! AND, most importantly, can you rpove your beliefes to be valid(without using the BIBLE itself, (or merely quoting passages)? I have not many persons who could do this without succumbing to the temptation to grab a BIBLE and open it,especially to alleviate their anxieties and discomfort and sometimes inadequacy if not ignorance. Can you prove if your belief is founded on actual fact and not simply on a nebulous 'faith' or profession of faith, which is difficult to really demonstrate to anyone except for actually perhaps dying to prove it! Can you prove intellectually and rationally your beliefs and not on mere emotion or cultural acceptance?
My major criticism of CHRISTIAN FUNDAMENTALISTS,BIBLE readers, BIBLE thumpers, BIBLE readers, missionaries, and Bible Students is NOT their belief inGOD, CHRIST, or CHURCH but their approach to the BIBLE and the use of the BIBLE because they tend to treat the BIBLE and use it like they do electricity in their lives. FIRST, they know little of the physical nature of electricity and, likewise, with some exceptions, the BIBLE. They know little of the history of electricity, save for the name of Edison usually much the same way they kow the name of MOSES & JESUS as concerns the BIBLE. They know the names are in the BIBLE but how much more? When it comes to electricity, they merely throw a switch to 'on' or 'off' positions similar to 'opening' and 'closing' the BIBLE whenever they fell the urge, desire, inspiration or necessity to do so(seldom resorting or hardly ever to quoting the BIBLE without aids and text,etc. to guide them)(which is all right since the BIBLE has many unknown and unfamiliar passages and books for nearly all of them! They also tend to ignore the BIBLE in favor of utilizing the 'Power' they believe is in the BIBLE mainly by prayers and possibly other rituals(which is all right as testamonies to the efficacy of prayer abound as do, no doubt, the unaccounted times when all such prayers, rites and rituals have failed or continued to fail, as dismissed by all 'religionists of the Christian persuasion as ,THE WILL OF GOD" which is, perhaps actually the same statement as THE WILL OF ALLAH!
Thursday, February 11, 2010
There are by some accounts FOURTEEN BOOKS that are mentioned in the BIBLE,both OLD & NEW TESTAMENTS, that few people know about except those who are interested in such things. One of them I became acquainted with years ago and often consulted dictionaries and encyclopedias,etc. in search of information about this book. Of course, I discovered what was reputed to be a book available for reading and took a look at it then but did not feel compelled to buy it,etc. for several reasons. The title of the book is; THE BOOK OF JASHER` which is mentioned in Joshua 10:13. Since these books are not found in any degree beyond name mention they are classified as 'NON-BIBLICAL BOOKS' and I shall research more about them and post their names and locations of mention in the BIBLE from time to time.
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
As was mentioned before, Thomas is controversial and his name is DIDYMUS JUDAS THOMAS and this Gospel of Thomas is a COLLECTION OF SAYINGS OF JESUS that many might consider THE SECRET TEACHINGS OF JESUS and of which some writers on these abstruse, arcane, and esoteric subjects have 'identified' as being 'THE HOLY GRAIL' and brought to Europe in the ways that are now finding an attraction and fascination for many,especially in various books on 'Templars','Crusades', 'KING ARTHUR', The Freemasons, The Shroud of Turin, The Holy Grail, etc. some of which are involved in novels and works of fiction, that sometimes seek a 'bloodline' or 'code' based on special circumstances, works of art, old manuscripts, and other things, some of which will be discussed when appropriate. HOWEVER, these SAYINGS OF JESUS are not sensational for the most part and seem, if you do read the book of the GOSPEL OF THOMAS(which is recommended) familiar to all readers of the Bible,that is, the New Testament Gospels,etc. The point that might be missed by most readers could well be that no details, for which many hunger and thirst, are not there, such as, miracles, death & resurrection, and other stories, and perhaps the most important thesis being:THOSE WHO LEARN THESE SAYINGS(UNDERSTANDS THEM AND THEIR TRUE INTERPRETATION) will have ETERNAL LIFE.
THE GOSPEL OF THOMAS is perhaps one of the more,if not the most, controversial books that is not included in the present BIBLE. THOMAS is also controversial himself as discussion of him will perhaps show, since like the figure of JUDAS, he has been considered in legends, that are still prevalent in some circles,AS THE TWIN BROTHER OF JESUS. This notion is seldom pleasing to ordinary Christian believers of the more literal, fundamental, and sectarian groups or the ORTHODOX believers(not Eastern Orthodox) but those who follow standards 'articles of faith', or specific theology, or 'creeds' of faith and belief. These latter AFFIRMATIONS OF FAITH should not be confused with petitions,prayers, positive or mental affirmations as they sometimes are in the popular mind and 'new-age' groups, but seen as a basis for RELIGION that is highly organized,usually with a hierarchy of some sort.
The 'LOST SCRIPTURES OF THE NEW TESTAMENT' can be considered as scriptures or 'books' or 'scrolls' etc. that were not included in the NEW TESTAMENT as found in most modern day Bibles and of which few that consider themselves as CHRISTIANS,BIBLE STUDENTS, SCHOLARS,ETC. are aware for many reasons. Most modern readers of the BIBLE, as is found on the shelves of bookstores and other stores that sell such,which are selling a wide variety of other things, aside from religious paraphenalia, which strangely enough these days is made in 'communist' CHINA for Americans to buy, are not aware that such books and information exists. The standard attitude of those who are fortunate enough to hear about these things but who do nothing to increase their understanding or kknowledge of them dismiss them as of no importance, as possible 'false' scriptures or heretical, and perhaps as 'forgeries' which is a complicated position to take for innumerable reasons, or as of a 'pagan' origin or created by diabolic forces or at Satan's behest to confuse believers,etc. and many are not 'acceptable/ to various religious groups and churches for they often contain contradictions that these sects and cults and groups deem important and necessary for 'salvation' as defined by them on their specific terms and concepts and interpretations,etc. Moreover, some groups that consider themselves 'Christian' have their own versions of the Bible and their own special 'scriptures' and materials which sometimes are considered of 'sacred' or 'divine' or 'inspired' origins. I shall not mention these groups here as it would detract from the main discussion of those books that need to be listed and checked on in regard to history and archeology and related activities if one is willing to go beyond a very narrow understanding and interpretation and appreciation of the Bible, which is for many Christians, a LIVING SOURCE of many aspects and facets, that otherwise would be ignored.
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
It often seems the case among believers in any kind or variety of SCRIPTURAL DEVOTION that an undue veneration of what are considered 'SACRED TEXTS' or 'HOLY BOOKS' or 'THE WORD OF GOD(S)' borders on a superstitious attituded, a 'magical' belief, and an EMOTIONAL ATTACHMENT that can be 'excessive', even 'materialistic' in nature.
When I was growing up and interested in my teens in the Bible and Bible topics,etc. the study of METAPHYSICS was often mentioned, even advertised in various publications,some of which were called 'Institutes', 'Schools', etc. and correspondence courses,some expensive and some by donations, were common. Courses in METAPHYSICS dealt with many interesting and 'arcane' or esoteric subjects,some of which I will comment on in future blogs. METAPHYSICS is sometimes defined as A STUDY PERTAINING TO ESSENTIAL NATURE OR ESSENCE. This means that such a study, whether theoretical or practical, and such can be both from some points of view, deal with the NATURE & CAUSES OF BEING AND KNOWING! Roughly defined, or loosely defined, as the case may be, METAPHYSICS is 'BEYOND PHYSICS' as is usually classified as a 'science', although some realms and subjects and areas of 'conventional physics' tend to intrude and overlap into the sciences. More on this later. Certain 'mystical' concerns and religions take up the study of metaphysics and one example are those who write and meditate on THE TAO or DAO. A number of popular books are out on this aspect and a lot of concentration on 'DIMENSIONS' etc. is to be found in such and also on the internet. However, metaphysics as pertains to the Bible is another matter and,of course, metaphysics is part and parcel of PHILOSOPHY, especially since Aristotelian Times.
THE KING JAMES VERSION OF THE BIBLE is the one I grew up with, deeply appreciate, consult, read, and utilize for the most part. That King James himself did not actually work on this Bible but authorized it and had scholars,etc. work on it at the time when 'ELIZABETHAN' ENGLISH was spoken, or 'THE LANGUAGE OF SHAKESPEARE", that is rapidly disappearing in today's world for the most part, but still has a rhythm and flow that modern English cannot convey, the same for Chaucer,etc. Nevertheless, I have read a few other versions but I tend to dislike and ignore the 'revised','updated', etc. modern affairs, though in some instances the claims that such 'translations' are more in keeping with what is or was intended by Biblical writers is maintained by many,etc. The DOUAY VERSION(often called THE CATHOLIC BIBLE) of which other authorized Bibles or version are now in print, contains books seldom found in the King James Version and most of these I have read or glanced at. Aside from these things there are many manuscripts and writings that have a 'BIBLICAL TINGE, FLAVOR, & POSSIBLE CONNECTION to orthodox/canonical writings that are worthy of attention, study and consideration. Aside from that there is the topic of THE LOST BOOKS OF THE BIBLE which are not these latter ones, though some label them as such, and I shall mention examples of them at some future time. The real Lost Books of the Bible are simply those mentioned in the Bible in various Chapters or Books that are not to be found, as yet, in any manuscript form or documentation other than in mere mention,usually.
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
Each book of the Bible may be understood in various ways. Each book of the Bible may be understood on various levels as well, such as, childhood stories and lessons(Sunday school,etc.); adulthood and Old Age. Certainly if one has devoted much of his entire life to a stu;dy and reading of the Bible in an intelligent way or manner, as objectively as possible and/or as personally as possible independently of any 'official' doctrine,creed, beliefe, or sect or church, upon reaching the 'senior' level, that is 'old age' etc. the conclusions and isnihts may be quite different than when one first started out ofn the PATH OF BIBLE READING! which is apt to be most sporadic for most people who even attempt such-most people are too lazy to do this and allow or prefeer others to 'spoon-feed' the BIBLE to them! in small doses, like 'bitter medicine' or teaspoons of honey or syrup and so are manipulated by various preachers, ministers, priests, monks, rabbis, sects,factions, and 'believers' in various ways and for various reasons/purposes-all of which promise such things as : 'salvation' 'life after death', 'life in Heaven or Paradise' or 'resurrection', etc.
There are several levels of understanding the Bible, starting with the first one, which is the literal reading of the Bible,sometimes done Chapter by Chapter or Verse by Verse, and seldom done by single BOOK. Moreover, there is the 'pick and choose' method of BIBLE READING, much like Sunday School or Church Service routines. Some persons attempt to read a single verse on a daily basis as both a means of obtaining inspiration as well as comfort and some understanding, sometimes on which to model their individual behaviours, which attempts generally fail for a great number of reasons. I will not mention in this topic section the other levels at which the BIBLE can be understood and studied but will cover them in future topics.
Nearly everyone will agree that the BIBLE, which is a collection of various writings now largely considered by most as being ONE BOOK,can be read on a completely LITERAL LEVEL OF UNDERSTANDING, that is, word for word, in whatever language can read and understand,etc. along with this level there is also the assumption and consideration that the LITERAL LEVEL OR FUNDAMENTAL WORDING OF THE BIBLE IS GOD'S WORD. This has led to various persons and groups, sects, cults, and religions to take extreme positions and stances in this regard, demanding usually, that no deviation from the written text be allowed and that such is not open to alternative interpretations or understandings,etc. Thus, a rigid conception of BIBLICAL SCRIPTURE has been followed by many and so their understanding is also limited.
Friday, January 15, 2010
The BIBLE was and is one of the important books in my life and remains a source of certain inspiration and reference to this day. I encountered the Bible first through Bible stories mostly from a book my late cousin, Becky, had on the farm when we all lived in Cornish and that book had many 'classical' pictures of Biblical scenes,probably by Italian artists,etc. The stories of King David appealed to me as did a few others, like the Great Flood,etc. People also talked more about the Bible than is done nowadays and most were far more familiar with it than is easy to describe for many reasons. I started reading the actual Bible when i was around six or seven. My Welch Uncle by marriage, who was also a Mason and a Shriner, had a 'Masonic Bible' which to me did not seem any different than any other Bible except that it had the Masonic Emblem on the title page if I recall correctly. TWO BOOKS interested me more than the others: GENESIS & REVELATIONS and for a while I was expounding the 'end of the world', the 'end of the earth' and a lot of the things contained in the last book in the CANON. This led to discussion with classmates at that age and since we all went to the same Sunday School, seemed not out of the ordinary. Since that early time, I have examined many things concerning the Bible, even taking a course in college entitled,THE BIBLE AS LITERATURE which many fundamentalists find fault with, disagree with, and consider somewhat nefarious or secular,etc. I will attempt to discuss certain things about the BIBLE as well as my experiences among 'Christian' of all sizes, shapes, doctrines, and practices. Part of my family was Protestant(father's side) and Catholic(on my mother's side). Consequently, I never really accepted either side of things as the ultimate truth or correct religion,etc. and have even tried to adopt a 'scientific',sometimes 'agnostic','atheistic' & materialistic' attitude or position or argument. In fact, I have had many interesting discussions with various religious advocates, ministers, believers,etc. and have questioned them wholeheartedly, sometimes to the point of keeping them off balance and so forth. More aon this another time.
The BIBLE is actually a collection of books that has had profound influence on mankind in various ways. Many consider it to be the literal word of GOD while others take less rigid and most differing approaches to its study, reading, use, and application(if any) to life and society. History is rich in aspects of BIBLICAL LORE and CONTROVERSY. The fascination with this book, which has its origins in the Middle East, continues to influence many, even those who do not believe it in, revile it, and attempt to deconstruct it in a number of ways, so it is hard to maintain both a sensible and appreciative attitude in considering any and probably all things contained that wonderful collection of books named THE BIBLE.
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