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Tuesday, August 24, 2010

थे गोल्डेन CALF

THE GOLDEN CALF is a misunderstood symbol found in the OLD TESTAMENT of the CHRISTIAN BIBLE which is essentially different from that of HEBREW OR 'JEWISH' SCRIPTURES in many ways too numerous to detail here now...... The question about this IMAGE, which in some descriptions, was 'gold-lated' rather than 'solid' gold has not been asked too much and also the topic has been ignored in certain ways......Why an image of BULL for many scholars consider it to have been that? The simple answer is that the BULL is a symbol of POWER as well as several other things, such as, fertility or reproduction, or animal instincts,etc. and also that the BULL, the SIGN OF TAURUS, was a common 'idol' or 'beast' in the area, worshiped and looked at my various cultures and tribes and 'nations' of the time..... MOSES, the lawgiver as he is often called, did not create the MOSAIC LAW if the acount is true that GOD gave Moses the COMMANDMENTS, usually grouped as ten and there are several variations and differing lists to be found that need not be taken up here...... Why should the Hebrews, the Israelites, the Jews, the TWELVE TRIBES OF ISRAEL, abandon, seemingly, the GOD that had helped them and guided them out of EGYPT to seek the PROMISED LAND and take up with what has been considered a 'PAGAN IDOL"? This intriguing problem has several answers and one of them is that this statue was meant to be representative of THE POWER OF YAWEH OR JEHOVAH and possibly to serve as HIS THRONE IN THE MANNER THAT THE CHERUBIM DID ON THE ARK OF THE COVENANT... Another reference to this topic is that of the 'GOLDEN CALVES' that King Jeroboam had fashioned when he set up the KINGDOM OF ISRAEL and his apparent desire was to make the holy places of Dan and Bethel worthier shrines of Yahweh than that of the TEMPLE OF JERUSALEM.....which may have backfired... The CANAANITES who still were inhabitants of Palestine at the time, used the BULL as a symbol of BAAL the 'fertility' god they worshipped and which may have seemed to the prophets that JEHOVAH was being relegated to the same level in their worship as Baal.