a good place to start such studies with these topics inside


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Thursday, May 12, 2011


An ancient prayer that GURDJIEFF used is: 'IN THE NAME OF THE FATHER AND IN THE NAME OF THE SON, AND IN THE NAME OF THE HOLY GHOST' that is on a CD that I recently purchased which is devoted to the hymns and prayers found in his writings, made me think a bit more on this subject, which is usually recited this way in various churches: IN THE NAME OF THE FATHER, THE SON, AND THE HOLY SPIRIT For many this will not appear to be a 'problem' or will mean the same thing, namely, that THE HOLY GHOST and THE HOLY SPIRIT are ONE and the SAME...but are THEY? Why do some groups prefer to use HOLY GHOST rather than HOLY SPIRIT? AND, what is the NAME of the HOLY GHOST? Or, what is the NAME of the HOLY SPIRIT? We do know the Name of the FATHER.....but I shall not discuss this at the moment because it has many aspects to it that need a wider and broader and more detailed treatment to fully understand certain things, certain notions, and certain 'occult-esoteric' factors. We know the Name of the SON in that most consider the Name to be the familiar JESUS or THE CHRIST or JESUS CHRIST or JESUS THE CHRIST,plus a list of other names and titles that I shall not discuss here for the same reasons stated about the NAME OF THE FATHER...... After the death of JESUS, HIS APPEARANCES were that of a 'GHOST', an apparition, and after HIS ASCENSION as described in the current and accepted HOLY BOOKS of THE NEW TESTAMENT, the descent of the HOLY GHOST or HOLY SPIRIT is described or noted, at least.... Without going into the DOCTRINE(S) OF THE TRINITY, which has been controversial since the very start of CHRISTIANITY as we know it, the NAME OF THE HOLY SPIRIT IS CONSIDERED TO BE JESUS...CHRIST...that is, the HOLY GHOST IS ANOTHER ASPECT OF JESUS, THE SON....So we can say that THE HOLY SPIRIT is the SPIRIT OF JESUS or THE HOLY GHOST is the GHOST OF JESUS... UNFORTUNATELY, most present day-contemporary Christians of all denominations consider JESUS and THE HOLY GHOST or HOLY SPIRIT as separate BEINGS....different PERSONS, ASPECTS, BEINGS,etc. In other words if THE HOLY GHOST or HOLY SPIRIT comes to Men/women or appears to them,etc. in whatever way, such as,spiritually, mystically, divinely, etc., it is THE GHOST OF JESUS or THE SPIRIT OF JESUS tha they perceive or sense or realize in some way...whatever it really is this experience that they may claim or undergo.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011


The BIBLE can be studied on THE SYMBOLIC LEVEL in several ways. The first way is simply to take a list of Biblical Names and 'Characters' and arrange them as found in THE OLD TESTAMENT & THE NEW TESTAMENT and relate them to each other- example: ADAM & CHRIST. Many have done this already in several ways with variations on the theme. This is often A GROUPING OF ARCHETYPES where one person or name represnts or relates to another,different name,-an earlier name or a later name-in some tuyhpe of possible or prophetic or mystical relationship. Example: SAMSON as symbolic of CHRIST. Biblical names in their original languages often translate into special, even specific, meanings that are often completely ignored or overlooked, even disquised and hidden by the more 'popular' and 'familiar' names. Biblical names can refer to special things,such as: ADAM,THE FIRST MAN of THE FIRST ADAM(which implies a second one, usually designated as Jesue or the Christ,etc.). Another way is to examine, if one is capable of such, the symbols in teh BIBLE which are or can be certain objects, certain mumbers, certain animals, plants, nations, cities, and the like and even some people. this is a more difficult task than it seems as some meanings have been lost, have been ignored or hidden, or erroneously explained or described. Since this aspect of the BIBLE is CONTROVERSIAL and COMPLEX, I can only say that some of this pertains to and demands, a METAPHYSICAL LEVEL OF STUDY but as related as both are, tehy are not necessarily the same or will lead to the same conclusions, if any....


If I were a highly religious man, possessing mystical insights and acute spiritual perceptions, I might well conclude that GOD is directing myh attention and focusing my thoughts on the BIBLE and still not discern why only now I am devoting my energies-thoughts and opinions,mostly-to the BIBLE and coming across books and materials I have read on the BIBLE or glanced at,etc. over the years,and undertaking some sort of superficial and intense review of them and also of things I have neglected to read or study, many really 'new' & 'different'. 'THE CALL TO ANCIENT SCRIPTURE' and to ancient scripts and ancient lore,etc. I felt as a child and not at an advanced age(74 as of now), I find that my neglect over the years of such, urges me to concentrate and contemplatge the BIBLE(etc.) in the time I have left-alive, or as is often said,'ON EARTH' as if one or whatver is believed to exist after bodily death, goes to the STARS or HEAVEN,etc. I am not sure this a quest for 'immortality','salvation',etc. but apt to be more of a quest for certain knowledge above and beyond ordinary belief. Whatever it is, those 'left behind' will probably continue to ignore my scribblings. Very few people on earth want any of this KNOWLEDGE and so they rely on ordinary ways of thinking on these subjects, ideas, concepts and topics and they allow others to persuade, direct, control, and explain such for them, rather than making their own efforts, which, of course, require something more that 'wishful thinking' or 'imaginary aspects'.....


Women are sometimes named in the BIBLE and mentioned in various ways, such as their role in a specific event or in relation to a man,such as, a husband, fat her,etc. Sometimes women are given certain social/cultural positions like mother, sister, widow, prostitute, even queen.. Nevertheless, more attention is given to men than women in the BIBLE, so the notion(s) of MASCULINE vs FEMININE assumes an importance for various groups,scholars, and writers interested in specific ideas and concepts,etc. that sometimes affect the way people read or understand the BIBLE,especially when they are members of a specific church, religion,sect,cult, organization,etc. I shall add more to this discussion at a later time as what I had originally written for this blog was 'censored' by the software in the library where I was composting this.....as apparently some of the words I was using were considered 'inappropriate' and perhaps 'politically incorrect'....all of a sudden all that I had written originally was wiped out and the screen completely clear and I had to sign in again to use the site....such is modern techology....